What is the Profile of Emotional Competence?

A scientifically proven test...
After this 50 question test, obtain a complete report (4 pages) presenting your emotional profile. This report corresponds to an analysis of your strengths and weaknesses regarding your ability to understand and regulate your own emotions and those of others.

which determines your level of emotional intelligence...
Created by Moïra Mikolajcza and Sophie Brasseur (researchers at the Université Catholique de Louvain), this test was built on strong theoretical foundations and has been subject to complete scientific validation in order to make it a reliable tool.

by comparing your results.
Over 16,000 people participated in the creation of this test in order to both obtain a significant average result of the population and to refine the proposed results.
What is Emotional Intelligence?
Your Emotional Intelligence reflects your ability to identify, express, understand, regulate and use your emotions and those of others. Why is Emotional Intelligence important? Hundreds of scientific studies have shown that your level of Emotional Intelligence affects the four most important areas of your life:
A scientific test created by:

Dr. Moïra Mikolajczak, Professor at the Université Catholique de Louvain, is an internationally recognised researcher in the field of Emotional Intelligence. Having trained at some of the best universities in the world (Université Catholique de Louvain, Stanford University in the USA, University of London in the UK), she has published over fifty scientific articles on Emotional Intelligence and is the author of several reference books in this field, including Les Compétences Émotionnelles (Dunod).

Dr. Sophie Brasseur, a Doctor of the Université Catholique de Louvain, has worked in the field of Emotional Competence for over ten years as both a researcher and therapist. She has written several articles and has participated in the writing of works on Emotional Competences, notably the Traité de Régulation des Emotions (De Boeck), where she wrote about one of her specialities; the Emotional Competences of high potential individuals. Having supported numerous people with difficulties in controlling their emotions as both a therapist and teacher, she has insisted that the test offered must give users concrete information on the way their emotions work.
…and certified by:

Jordi Quoidbach, Professor of Management at Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Professor of Management at Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. He was previously a teacher at INSEAD and a researcher at Harvard.